Friday, November 19, 2010

Critical Thinking Readings

I'm always concerned about narrow and superficial conceptions about critical thinking (CT). Here is a selection of readings on CT which offer a bit of clarification on its meaning, the debates, and so on.

SOME ISSUES IN THE CRITICAL THINKING DEBATE: DEAD HORSES AND RED HERRINGS, ANYONE? this is (while a bit older 1998) a really interesting piece on the "controversies" of definidng CT from the journal "Educational Theory" (which is a very prestigious one)

Critical Thinking, Autonomy & practical reason (2004) - really good one which I think will relate to your work - specifically critiques Siegel, and; also in Ed Theory

Is Critical Thinking Biased? (this is actually a series of articles in an issue of Ed Theory and it really gets into whether the "dispositions" are problematic or not)

Conceptualizing critical thinking - bailin and others -

Siegel on centrality of character to CT - this is along the issues of bias and stuff.

Critical thinking & critical pedagogy (differences etc.) - kind of interesting and this fellow Burbules is a critical pedagogue - you might find the contrast enlightening, esp what he thinks CT is not. This of course, is controversial.

Bailin's Critical and Creative thinking - this is important, since there are differences. This journals is a pretty prestigious philosophy journal that has a lot on CT

Bailin's response to Emery Hyslop-Margison's critiques of the failings of CT - and the original Hylsop-Margison is here - these are important because this offers you the alternate perspective of "against CT"

Education for CT: Can it be non-indoctrinative?

Noddings - war, critical thinking and undrestanding - not unlike the Siegel one we read for our course

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